Color representations ===================== thcolor allows you to represent colors in different colorspaces and using different kind of coordinates. This page regroups the information about these representations. Note that all color representations have an ``alpha`` component. sRGB colors ----------- sRGB colors are colors represented using the red, green and blue channel intensities in the `standard RGB color space`_. In thcolor, such a color is represented by the :py:class:`thcolor.colors.SRGBColor` class, and other representations can be converted to this one using the :py:meth:`thcolor.colors.Color.assrgb` ("as sRGB") method. CMYK colors ----------- CMYK colors are colors represented using the cyan, magenta, yellow and black values in the `CMYK color model`_. In thcolor, such a color is represented by the :py:class:`thcolor.colors.CMYKColor` class, and other representations can be converted to this one using the :py:meth:`thcolor.colors.Color.ascmyk` method. HSL colors ---------- HSL colors are colors represented using the hue, saturation and lightness as polar coordinates in the sRGB color space. See `HSL and HSV`_ for more information. In thcolor, such a color is represented by the :py:class:`thcolor.colors.HSLColor` class, and other representations can be converted to this one using the :py:meth:`thcolor.colors.Color.ashsl` method. HSV colors ---------- HSV colors are colors represented using the hue, saturation and value as polar coordinates in the sRGB color space. See `HSL and HSV`_ for more information. In thcolor, such a color is represented by the :py:class:`thcolor.colors.HSVColor` class, and other representations can be converted to this one using the :py:meth:`thcolor.colors.Color.ashsv` method. .. _hwb-colors: HWB colors ---------- HWB colors are colors represented using the hue, whiteness and blackness in the `HWB color model`_. In thcolor, such a color is represented by the :py:class:`thcolor.colors.HWBColor` class, and other representations can be converted to this one using the :py:meth:`thcolor.colors.Color.ashwb` method. LAB colors ---------- LAB colors are colors represented using the lightness and A and B coordinates in the `CIELAB color space`_. In thcolor, such a color is represented by the :py:class:`thcolor.colors.LABColor` class, and other representations can be converted to this one using the :py:meth:`thcolor.colors.Color.aslab` method. LCH colors ---------- LCH colors are colors represented using the lightness, chroma and hue in the `CIELAB color space`_. In thcolor, such a color is represented by the :py:class:`thcolor.colors.LCHColor` class, and other representations can be converted to this one using the :py:meth:`thcolor.colors.Color.aslch` method. XYZ colors ---------- XYZ colors are colors represented using its x, y and z coordinates in the `CIE 1931 XYZ color space`_. In thcolor, such a color is represented by the :py:class:`thcolor.colors.XYZColor` class, and other representations can be converted to this one using the :py:meth:`thcolor.colors.Color.asxyz` method. YIQ colors ---------- YIQ colors are colors represented using its coordinates in the `YIQ color space`_. In thcolor, such a color is represented by the :py:class:`thcolor.colors.YIQColor` class, and other representations can be converted to this one using the :py:meth:`thcolor.colors.Color.asyiq` method. YUV colors ---------- YUV colors are colors represented using its coordinates in the `YUV color space`_. In thcolor, such a color is represented by the :py:class:`thcolor.colors.YUVColor` class, and other representations can be converted to this one using the :py:meth:`thcolor.colors.Color.asyuv` method. .. _natural-colors: Natural colors -------------- Natural colors (NCol) are an initiative from W3Schools to make a color that is easily identifiable from reading its definition. In thcolor, no dedicated class exists for this representation since it is a light derivative from :ref:`HWB colors ` with the angle expressed using a given format. It is, however, optionally supported in expressions behind the ``__ncol_support__`` option. .. _standard RGB color space: .. _CMYK color model: .. _HSL and HSV: .. _HWB color model: .. _CIELAB color space: .. _CIE 1931 XYZ color space: .. _YIQ color space: .. _YUV color space: .. _`natural colors`: